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Precor AMT Adaptive Motion Trainers for Sale

The Precor AMT was introduced in 2007. It was the first machine ever with adaptive motion, meaning it is a user defined motion, as opposed to a machine define motion. This means if the user has short strides or long strides, or wants to use it more like a stepper, elliptical, treadmill, or any in between, it will allow for this. Precor AMTs remain the industry leader in adaptive motion technology. Fitness Superstore carries a wide selection of Precor AMTs. Options include the more original AMT 100i, the non open strides, and the newer open stride AMT's

If you need help deciding which elliptical is right for you view our see our Precor AMT Model Comparison Chart + What is Open.

Top 5 Most Innovative Cardio Machines, including the Precor AMT!

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