Review of Life Fitness Ellipticals

Life Fitness Ellipticals are the 2nd most popular choice for gyms, clubs, hotels, and homes - outside of Precor Ellipticals.  They are my (and my moms) personal favorite for a cardio workout. I feel tired much quicker after workout out with a Life Fitness Elliptical than a Precor Elliptical, and to me the movement and stride feels much more natural and comfortable than other elliptical crosstrainers. The Life Fitness x3i, x5i, and x9i were all introduced earlier this millennium. Life Fitness recently introduced a new generation of ellipticals. The Club Series replaced the x9i, the X8 replaced the X7, and, as you may have guessed, the X3 and X5 replaced the x3i, and x5i, respectably. Other than being more visually appeasing, the older generation ellipticals are very similar to the newer generation units. For Commerial units, the CT 9100 and 9500HR Next Generation were among the original units introduced by Life Fitness and have since been replaced by units like the 95xi and 95xe.Click to shop for Review on Life Fitness Ellipticals...

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