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Cybex VR2 Lat Pulldown (Remanufactured)

Cybex VR2 Lat Pulldown Image
Price: USD $3,299.00
Condition: Remanufactured (What Does this Mean?)
Grade: Commercial
Warranty: 1 Year Parts & On-Site Labor w/Ext. Warranty Options (More Info)
Ships: Fully Assembled
Processing Time: Leaves our Warehouse in 3-5 Weeks

Stock Status: Available to Order


Weight Stack Adapter Plate - 2.5lbs:

Weight Stack Adapter Plate - 5 lbs:

Vinyl Color:

Paint Color:

General Options



Cybex VR2 Lat Pulldown is a plate-loaded or selectorized piece of fitness equipment designed to strengthen the back and shoulder muscles when the user smoothly pulls down an overhead bar and squeezes the shoulder blades together. The user is seated with the knees braced under pads and grasps the overhead bar with the desired width and grip for the specific muscle(s) being trained.
  • Machine Weight 630 lbs
  • Weight Stack 300 lbs
  • Height: 75 in.
  • Length: 57 in.
  • Width: 40 in.

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Cybex VR2 Series
