- Exercise Programs: Custom (2), Interval (4), Heart Rate (5), 1 mile, 10k, 2 mile, 5k, Calorie Goal, Distance Goal, Fitness Test, Manual, Random, Track, Walk, Weight Loss
- Electronic Readouts: Percent Complete, Average Heart Rate, Average Speed, Calories, Calories/Hour, Calories/Minute, Distance, Finish Time, Goal, Heart Rate, Decline/Incline, Maximum Heart Rate, METS, Pace, Personal Best Record, Profile, Segment Time, Smart Rate, Speed, Target Heart Rate, Time Elapsed, Time in Zone, Time Remaining
- Emergency Stop Magnetic safety clip
- Water Bottle Holder, Magazine Rack, and Utility Tray
- Transport: Wheels Integrated
- Number of User IDs: 4
- Password Protect: Yes, allows you to lock and unlock the treadmill.
- Console Language(s): English
- Heart Rate Monitoring: Touch and Wireless compatible (chest strap not included)
- Speed Range: .5 - 12 mph
- Decline / Incline Range: 2% decline - 15% incline
- Belt Width:22"
- Belt Length: 56"
- Belt Lubrication: Maintenance-free, dry silicone lubrication
- Reversible Deck: Deck can be reversed for double life
- Step-up Height: 7.5 inches
- Power Requirements: 120v or 240v
- Equipment Weight: 335 lbs
- Height: 56 in
- Length: 79 in
- Width: 34 in
